Build Homeowner Tip

What to Consider When Buying Land to Build

Custom building means having total control over every aspect of a house, from the foundation to the flooring to the views. This kind of independence is enticing to many, but can sometimes lead people to regret. If you’re in the process of buying a lot or even thinking about building, this list can help you avoid some common pitfalls and educate you as a buyer so you end up with a great piece of land with no surprises down the road.

Above all else, this is the most important consideration when buying a lot to build on. Choosing the right location for the side of town you want to live in is just as crucial as examining your lot in the bigger picture: for example, a nice view, nearby school districts if you have children, and near your workplace so you won’t have to commute. Make sure where you build is in a location that conveniently fits in your everyday life.

Be sure you’re buying a lot in a neighborhood that has similar taste so your property doesn’t lose value. Know what is happening with the land near you, look for red flags that insinuate the future of the area may turn your purchase into a bad investment.

Know what your setbacks are, it will effect where you position the house on your lot, and can dictate the size of the house you plan to build.

Before you purchase a lot it’s crucial to know how you’re going to power your house, water, waste, gas and telephone and cable services.

It’s important to make sure your lot is zoned properly for any future plans you might have. Check with local authorities to determine zoning ordinances and whether or not you can build the type of home you want. Check for your subdivision or community’s restrictions. Many subdivisions require that your blueprints, designs, and landscape layouts be approved by a committee.

Working with a real estate agent when you purchase land is only beneficial to you. They can educate you on the market, navigate through the fine details, negotiate the best deal, and guide you through your due diligence. Hire an agent who has extensive experience in purchasing land.

​Provided by Rhino Real Estate

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